Your offering can be given during any church service or brought to the church office during the week.
We use a secure and easy site to give online. This link will allow you to set up an account and keep up with your yearly giving statements.
TEXT giving is easy to use. Just text the word GIVE to (833) 512-0116 and follow the instructions on the screen. More details can be found below.
If you have a Venmo account you can give @IBCPace. Please designate details about your giving in the memo. An emjoi will not be viewable.
Tithing Is More Than Giving
Tithing is simply giving the first tenth of all your income before taxes or anything else is taken out. When you tithe, you are making an investment into the Kingdom of God and saying to God "I trust you to supply everything in my life." It teaches us to always put God first in our lives.
Immanuel Baptist Church has transitioned to a new Giving Online system. You will have an option to give a one time gift, create an account, or log in to an existing account.
We hope that you find this system more user friendly. Pretty soon our new online giving system will also allow online payments for camps, merchandise, events. etc. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Text to Give your Tithes:
Simply TEXT Give to (833) 512-0116 and follow the instructions on the screen. The first time you text a donation you will enter your billing information. After that, you will just enter the amount you want to give, get a confirmation back with an option to repeat, and you are done.​​

Glenn Ruedy
If you have any questions at all or need to speak with our Financial Assistant, please email Glenn Ruedy or call the church office. We will be more than happy to assist you.